I should update more often.

I went skating on Friday with Karen and Winnie and them. It was time to test out my new skates! I considered not going and I probably shouldn't have given that I probably did pooring on my biochem midterm today. But it was fun and I would have proably regretted not going.

When I first stepped on the ice it was so slippery! I didn't remember it being so slippery. I had to use some cones and move along the sideboards. But that gave me a chance to relearn how to stop. XDDD It was ok after when the ice was more "used" more friction I guess. Hahah I tried to do some spins but I'd always fall or lose my balance. I bruised my knee but that's ok. I like bruises.

Heehee it was funny because I ended up marrying Michelle (she proposed) and then divorcing her and then running off with the lawyer (Vicki). I wanted Michelle's mittens when she wouldn't give them to me I declared I was pregnant and turns out she's a GIRL! Oh the scandal! Hehehe it was just like a soap opera. And it probably has been done before. Ah but I wouldn't know. I don't watch soaps.

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