Goodbye Bauer Rink!

My feet hurt, my shoes are leaky and I have a bunch of homework to be done. But that doesn't stop me from skating!It was the last day of skating at Thunderbird. They are going to demolish it soon to make

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OMG Angels and Demons (by Dan Brown) is SOOO GOOD. It's even better than Da Vinci Code! They should me a movie of that this instead! I guess if they did it WOULD be an R-rated movie. I don't want to

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I went skating on Monday at Thunderbird. I never realized the centre is so big! So many hockey rinks. That's where the hockey stuff is going to be played during the Olympics in 2010 I think. But yeah! It's very big!

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Ooo it's so cold! It's been raining and snowing all day. My socks and shoes got all wet. I really need new shoes. They are leaky.I was giving out movie tickets to a premier tonight and I managed to give one

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OMGosh I love Lady and the Tramp! I got the DVD today and watched it too. Lady is so sweet! The last time I watched it was so long ago and now I actually understand what they are saying! :DI spent

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So I'm back from the DevelopMental Tour. It was pretty interesting. But they didn't have time to get into depth about anything. BUT they gave us a free textbook! But it's all a scheme to get us to program stuff for

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AH the Isopets website is not working! NOOO I need my regular dose of Isopets!...even though the site's not up yet. ;_; I want to talk to people!Haven't been drawing much. I've been so busy. I managed to finish my math

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