Thursday, August 24, 2006

Babies and Work

I am SO EXCITED today! Why? Because my fish made BABIES! They probably laid the eggs a while ago but today I saw small fry swimming in the tank! So I scooped the five I saw out into another container. Just in case the parents might eat them. (I've read that they won't but why take the chance?)

When I can home from work I saw that there were more! I counted a least 13 fry! 8DDD I am so deliriously happy!!!!!! Yay!

I was making food for the fry during work. I was crushing flakes into fine powder.

I forgot to write about work...Well now I work for the PNE! I am a ticket seller and have been working for 4 days. It is my very first job ever! (Working for my uncle doesn't count.)


  1. Whee! Babies! Babies are the very best ^^* That pets produce babies means that they are having a good time and are being taken good care of. YOu should be proud!

  2. Hey there,

    I noticed that you got frozen on Neo ages ago. Are you playing again? If not.. and are interested in playing Neopets again.. there's a replica site where people can get their frozen accounts back. Email me at if you're interested ^_^

  3. Hey there,

    I noticed that you got frozen on Neo ages ago. Are you playing again? If not.. and are interested in playing Neopets again.. there's a replica site where people can get their frozen accounts back. Email me at if you're interested ^_^
