Thursday, September 14, 2006


It's almost the end of the second week of school and already I'm behind in everything.

Co-op jobs are closing everyday and I don't have the time to write cover letters not to mention that my cover letters and resume sucks. I don't know why I was ever in English enriched since I apparently have no idea how to write at all. It is amazing that I ever passed English in highschool. Yesterday I went to the library and borrowed some resume/cover letter writing books. Hopefully I will learn something from them.

Some courses it is not my fault that I am behind since the bloody textbooks have not even arrived yet. How am I suppose to keep up with the reading when there is no textbook to read? The UBC bookstore should get their act together. They should have all the books available at the start of the term!

I'm wondering how I will ever be able to get through this term!


  1. i totally get you. The bookstore misplaced/didn't order enough textbooks for 2 of my courses so now i'm so behind and i'have quizzes coming up!

  2. i totally get you. The bookstore misplaced/didn't order enough textbooks for 2 of my courses so now i'm so behind and i'have quizzes coming up!
