Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Hellboy 2

I entered a contest at to win tickets to the screening of Hellboy 2 and won! There was some email trouble so they called me this morning to tell me that the screening was tonight and I have to pick up the tickets downtown! I had to leave work for an hour to bus down there to pick it up.

Overall, I liked the movie. It had its moments; it was funny and made me laugh at times. The thing I didn't like was that Hellboy looked a little fake in this sequel. Maybe they changed his eyes or his makeup or something. It just didn't sit well with me. I didn't like the kid in the beginning either - so fake. I don't think I can say anymore without spoiling it. And Liz's fire! I liked her blue fire in the first movie better. Now it is regular fire. That's so boring! =(

I do hope that they make another one. I like Hellboy. But from the looks of it I'm going to say it is highly likely.

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