Saturday, March 13, 2010

Let the Games Begin Again!

I took the day off to chase the torch again. It was a 24 hour relay and they started yesterday afternoon. I sent K down to UBC yesterday to see the torch there and then she went downtown where she caught Luongo lighting the community cauldron! This morning I hitched a ride with my parents downtown and when I got there I was just in time to catch the torch at the corner of Granville and Georgia. Perfect timing! Too bad it was raining. I took a lot of pictures though.

Even though it was pouring rain, the school kids were out supporting their teacher. She was the last torchbearer to light a community cauldron.

I met up with K after the torch left Robson Square. We then went around looking for pins and found that RBC were giving some away! Then we saw Sumi at Robson and Beatty and also at the Canada Pavilion at LiveCity. For the rest of the day we went around looking at the sights to pass the time before we had to head to BC Place to see the Paralympic opening ceremony!

We left LiveCity at about 4:30 and there was already a huge amount of people heading over to BC Place. Organizers told us to be there at about an hour earlier since there will be audience participation and they will be showing us how to use the props.

We had to wear ponchos! Awwww we got white. One Inspires Many was the theme of the evening. Paralympic opening ceremony!

It was totally worth it for $30. We even got to participate in a breaking a world record! The world`s largest flash mob! Sumi was there again flying! OoO

Rick Hansen was there and the tribute was given to Terry Fox the greatest Canadian of all time. His parents were given the honour of bearing the torch into BC Place.

Let the Games begin!

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