Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Eat Pray Love

I went to a pre-screening Eat Pray Love tonight. Eat Pray Love is about a woman named Liz Gilbert who goes through some life crisis where she doesn't know who she is anymore and loses any enjoyment she might have had in life. So she decides to take a year long vacation to Italy, India and Bali find herself. Along the way she finds friends and love and discovers how to live again.

I thought the movie was ok. I haven't read the book so I can't say for sure how closely the movie follows it. This movie makes me want to go back to Italy and visit India and Bali also. Watching it definitely makes me reexamine my own life. What am I doing with my life? What do I want to do? I know one thing, if I don't start DOING my life will remain the same. Nothing will change unless I change it. Maybe I'll start by reading the book. LOL

Eat Pray Love comes out in theaters on Friday. Go watch it.

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