Monday, September 20, 2010

Train at the Commodore

I'm trying out Posterous so I don't know how this post will turn out. Sorry if the pictures looks funny.

I went to the Train concert yesterday at the Commodore Ballroom in downtown Vancouver. I was fortunate enough to win tickets and I really had no idea what to expect because I didn't know who they were except that they sang "Hey, Soul Sister" - a song which I like. They did not disappoint. The concert was awesome. Pat Monahan was awesome. Turns out I am familiar with a lot of their songs! And most of them I already like! I'm so getting the CDs!

We ended up standing near the center front since all the seats were taken already. The opening act was Ryan Star. He wasn't bad but he was no Train! Pat Monahan has an amazing voice. He also dances around a lot and had four t-shirt changes! He threw away two of them into the audience and SIGNED the Canada one too! The girl who got it was so lucky! He said she was wearing a San Fransisco shirt and she should be wearing a Canada one so he gave it to her! The girl behind us got his white t-shirt. He also went crowd surfing and went around the audience when during the "Marry Me" number. And he also threw away his guitar picks. I was lucky enough to get one! At the end of the show, the drummer threw away his sticks too! Hey, Soul Sister was the second last song and the whole audience participated in singing it. I'll admit I joined in too. It was an amazing concert experience.

1 comment:

  1. Hi:

    My name is Josephine and I work for a marketing firm called Night Agency ( After seeing your post about Train, we thought you and your followers would be interested in the current promotion our client Hanes is running with the band. The grand prize winner and a friend will meet Train and see them perform live. Please visit for more information.

    It would be great if you would post about the Train promotion.

    Let us know if you have any questions.


