Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Call of Duty: Black Ops Midnight Launch

Best Buy had the midnight launch of Call of Duty: Black Ops today. I was expecting more people than the number that showed up. There seemed to be more Halo fans than Call of Duty. Maybe they were offering better free stuff with purchase also. They were only giving away free toques to the first 90 people to purchase the game. There are three versions available: normal ($59.99), the 'Hardened Edition' ($79.99) and the 'Prestige Edition' ($149.99). The Prestige edition offers a remote control car with in-built camera with addition maps and the Hardened edition includes the extra maps and a tin case. 

Best Buy also held a costume contest. They gave away two Prestige Editions to runner ups to their costume contest and XBox and game bundle to the winner. They also gave away one Prestige edition to a random person in line. I dressed up as well as I could but in the end the Best Buy manager choose another girl (the one in the blue uniform) to be runner up. There were 3 girls that participated in the costume contest. Everyone had their paintball or airsoft gear and I had my homemade costume. T_T It was fun though! Everyone complemented me on my costume. =) I also was filmed for the news! I might be on TV! LOL Two of the sound developers of the game were there too and I took a photo with them and got their autographs on a bandanna!

I tried playing it. There are Zombie Nazis! Aaaaah! I didn't last very long...

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