Thursday, August 04, 2011

2011 Celebration of Light - Spain "Odessey"

Braved the crowds again and went to the fireworks with a bunch of friends and after bootcamp nevertheless! Today Spain gave us a competitive performance to rival China's show last Saturday. It was an awesome show but I preferred China's which I thought was much more colourful. Most of Spain's colours were red and gold. Spain had a lot more different types of fireworks though. There were some seizure inducing ones too. hahah. And a lot of wispy fireworks. Very pretty. I like the photo above the best because it reminds me of a peacock tail all fanned out.

We stood directly with the barges directly in front of us this time and the music in was coming behind us. It took me a while to realize that I should have taken landscape shots instead. The first few where portrait but I like the colours so I shall share them with you. I didn't take as many this time. Probably because I was actually watching the show!

I also want to rant about the people who kept crossing in front of my camera! Grrr! Especially these two girls who just stood there in front for the longest time obstructing my and my friend's (who was sitting on the ground) views. Geez once the show starts just stay put! So inconsiderate. So sorry part of my video is black because they were covering the camera completely.

I'm going again on Saturday when the final show will be put on by Team Canada! See you all there!

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