Tuesday, August 16, 2011

2011 Vancouver Zombie Walk on August 20

If you don't like kissing and gnawing someone's face off is more your style, you're in for a real treat: Zombie Walk is happening the SAME DAY! Or maybe the zombies can participate in the kissing flash mob as well! Wouldn't that be a sight to see!

Zombie Walk is an annual event where thousands of zombies congregate in front of the Vancouver Art Gallery then take to the streets of Vancouver in a huge fun-filled brain-eating bloody party.

Saturday August 20
4:00pm - 6:00pm

South side of Vancouver Art Gallery at 750 Hornby Street

RSVP to the event on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=104871519598189


  1. Ohh! Thanks for posting this!
    I've always wanted to go check it out but just didn't know when they have this event. Hope I won't have work that day XD

  2. Heheh are you going to dress up? ;P

  3. Haha, no. I would like to though! But I have to attend a dinner later that night right after zombie walk so I won't have time to go home to clean up if I zombielize myself.

    Are you going to dress up? =D

  4. lol probably not. I'm going to be going out in the morning I don't want to be a zombie the entire day!
