Sunday, August 14, 2011

Electric Owl

We were hungry after kayaking so we went to a place on Main Street called "Electric Owl". At about 9:30pm it was kind of dead inside but as it got closer to 11pm, more people started to fill up the place. It is definitely a late night haunt. (Sorry for the poor photos. I only had my point and shoot camera with me and it doesn't take very good photos in minimal lighting.)

The food was very good. It is a kind of a Asian fusion style. I tried the gyoza, yam and grilled squid.

Daikon radish dish on the right, gyoza on the left. The gyoza had bacon and other delicious things on it. It was so good!
Owl poutine on the right is an original. Tastes pretty good and definitely a favourite amongst customers. Yam dish on the right. It comes with walnuts and nori on top.

The grilled squid was a little salty but still very good. All the dishes have lovely presentation. 

The most interesting thing about the place was the DJ. He is such a unique character! He was wearing a fuzzy hat, pajama bottoms and get this: a tail! Yes, he had a furry tail that he liked to swing around and show off to the girls that approached him. Hahah! The music was cool and had a lot of beat to it but way too loud. We had to shout across the table just to hear each other!

I found the place very funky with great vibe. Great place to hang out with your friends after a two hour kayaking trip!

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