Friday, August 19, 2011

HP TouchPad on Sale For Only $99!

So I'm sure you've all heard by now in some form or another that HP has scrapped the webOS and discontinued their tablet computer, the HP TouchPad  after only 49 days from its launch. This makes it one of the fastest product culls in high-tech history! Apparently it wasn't selling as well as HP hoped and rather than continue they decided to just cut their losses and quit. Bad news for stock holders and current owners of the TouchPad but good news for you!

Just one day after the announcement, retails all over drastically slashed prices to the TouchPad to clear their inventory of this sadly unwanted tablet. You can get a 16GB TouchPad for only $99 (original price $399.99) and the 32GB for only $149 (original price $499.99! This is an absolute steal! At these prices, who cares if it is not up to par with the iPad.

Staples is starting their sale tonight at midnight while Futureshop, BestBuy and the Source already have this pricing in place. According to their websites, Futureshop and BestBuy's price will last until August 22 while the Source will last until the 30th.

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