Sunday, September 11, 2011

Gears of War 3 Pre-Launch Party

Gears of War 3 is coming out in less than 10 days and to celebrate XBox organized a pre-launch party yesterday night for fans to try the game out before the official launch. Savvy fans of the game managed to score themselves a VIP pass and a chunk of Locust meat at Save-On Meats store last Wednesday which gave them access to a shorter line and a limited edition t-shirt. All that attended received a Gears of War bandanna as a souvenir.

The party was in a lot at Main Street and Waterfront Road and badass soldiers with weapons from the game patrolled around the compound keeping the line of fans in check. The line was pretty long already when I arrived at 6pm and it took two hours for me to finally enter the compound.

Once inside, we were organized into teams of five and our commanding officer (the soldier above on the right) lead us around to several stations. First stop was Cog Ink where we were branded with the gear of war logo.


Next up was Lancer Art. The guy was carving the Gear of War from a block of wood with a chainsaw!

After that, at the Locust Meat tent the military cooks were serving barbecued locust meat on a skewer which suspiciously tasted like beef. We also had to eat some crickets!

Crickets in assorted flavours: salt & vinegar, sour cream & onion, and cheese flavoured. Yum. Actually it didn't taste like anything. I could see myself munching on these for snack time. =P

After consuming our locust meat and cricket munchies, we were herded into another line to play the game! The fences were lined with barbed wire to prevent us from escaping. But that didn't prevent two of our team members from deserting us! D=

Finally I got to try Gears of War 3 on multiplayer Horde mode. The game was pretty intense. Our team managed to get to wave 9. I died a lot before I figured out the controls lol. I had a lot of fun!

Great event to get fans psyched for the official launch party on night of September 19th which will be at Best Buy Cambie location! See you there!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that looked like a lot of fun!  I wish i went!
