SFU Sustainability Festival - Sept 20


It's Sustainability Week at SFU and on Tuesday there will be a festival celebrating sustainability! Listen to musical performances, attend workshops on several topics and watch an Eco Fashion show. There will also be prize draws!

Tuesday, September 20th
11am - 4pm

Simon Fraser University (Convocation Mall, Burnaby Campus)

Festival Schedule:

10:30am         Exploring Energy: Conversion, Consumption and Conservation Workshop
11:00am         Festival Opens
11:00am         Yoga Workshop
11:00am          John Gilliat Duo - Music Performance
11:40am          Indigenous Student Centre Drum Musical Performance
12:15pm          Welcome from President Andrew Petter
12:20pm          Eco Fashion Show 1 (& PRIZE DRAW)
1:00pm            Environmental Youth Alliance Composting Workshop
1:00pm            Keith Bennett - Music Performance
2:00pm             Exploring Energy: Conversion, Consumption and Conservation Workshop
2:00pm            Agricultural Skills Workshop  
2:30pm             Hannah Epperson - Music Performance 
3:15pm             Eco Fashion Show 2 (& PRIZE DRAW)
4:00pm             Festival Closes

Source: http://www.sfu.ca/sustainabilityfestival.html

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