Sunday, October 02, 2011

That Barista Thing 2011: Int'l Latte Art Competition

The only event I went to this weekend was the That Barista Thing: International Latte Art Competition at Vancouver Central Library. They had lots of fun tables set up which included Tea Reading, Chinese Tea Ceremony, Japanese Tea Ceremony, button making, espresso cup painting and more! There were a lot of creative people painting their own espresso cups. I think that some of their designs should go up for sale in stores! There was also a super huge line up for the free coffee, lattes and hot chocolate from Blenz Coffee, the sponsor of this fun annual event.


I arrived late so missed the entire Free Pour part of the competition. =( The competitor's cups were still out on display though the images' on the surface have kind of warped and doesn't took as nice. Still you can tell what they are suppose to look like.

Before the Etching competition started, the volunteers suddenly started dancing! Who wants coffeeeee?!

There were a total of 7 contestants this year for Etching. The order of the contestants were randomly drawn and Noam Dehan started off the Etching competition. It was quite entertaining to watch. The judges looked for difficulty, clarity, creativity, and other things I don't remember. There are no set rules for Etching so the contestants are free to be as creative as they want.


Aki Tokuhara created an Autumn-themed masterpiece that impressed the judges and took first place in the Etching competition!

First place!

Martin Grancic and Millicent Ng tied in second place which had them competing head-to-head in a tie-breaker!

Martin Grancic worked hard to produce a tie breaker for 2nd place but his Dragon unfortunately was not enough to beat Millicent Ng, who won 2nd with her Sparkly Lips (first photo above!).


The winners!
Aki Tokuhara, first place in Etching!

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