Sunday, November 27, 2011

508 Social Bistro

A bunch of friends invited us to dinner and bubble tea Saturday night to bid us bonne voyage. We ended up eating at White Spot which was the only place still available at 8pm near Metrotown. The Canucks were playing and all the other restaurants were packed! So after dinner, we went across the street to have bubble tea at 508 Social Bistro.

We were given complementary spicy peanuts when we sat down. They were so spicy but I couldn't stop eating them!

They have typical Taiwanese food available on their menu but we were more interested in the beverages since we were still full from dinner! They have a good selection of drinks and also alcoholic ones! Some of the names of the drinks are quite unique and funny. One of the is called "Orgasm". HA! This prompted the obligated jokes: "I'll have an Orgasm, please." and "I hear they are quite good."

I ended up choosing a Hawaiian Holiday (non-alcoholic since I needed to drive). Some of the waitresses there do not speak English very well and they tend to confuse you and themselves when you are ordering. When my friend ordered and pointed to the item on the menu she said " You must be." Ok. That makes a whole lot of sense. But later on we figured out that she might have been trying to say "you must be 19 or older" since it was an alcoholic drink.

A weird thing was that the drinks came in different formats. Two of my friends got something similar to the photo above with a twisty straw twisted in a funky way, in a glass cup. My friend who ordered pearls with hers got a bigger glass cup than the one above. Mine and other was in a take-a-way sealed plastic cup. Weird.

Another weird thing that happened was some guys came in who wanted alcoholic drinks (but it was after last call) and when the girl went in the back to presumably ask the manager, the guys took off with a plastic Heineken display. O_o

Despite those weird occurrences, I loved the Hawaiian Holiday. It was delicious. It tasted similar to a pina colada with a hint of peach and banana. Yum.

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