Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Samsung Galaxy SII X Unboxing Photos

Yay! I finally upgraded from a BlackBerry Curve to a Samsung Galaxy SII X. I received this anticipated  package on Monday, unlocked it on Tuesday and now am fully on Android!

Here are my unboxing photos. Heheh. Am I a geek for taking photos? Yes. Yes. I probably am...

8MP camera! Can't wait to go out and use it. I love the feel of the backing.


It's pretty thin and light. It is a much bigger phone than I am use to, but big phones are standard nowadays. I'm just behind on the times. lol

Ooo turning it on...

I love the screen. It is so vivid, clear and crisp. Even at the lowest brightness settings it is still quite bright.

Yeah, that date isn't right...

Woo! I'm so excited to finally own a Galaxy S2!


  1. Gosh, that is beautiful.

  2. My friend has that phone! I loveeeee it!
    And it takes amazing pics lol
