Monday, December 19, 2011

Gingerbread Lane Photos

Hyatt Regency Vancouver once again transformed their lobby into a winter wonderland with Gingerbread Lane. Schools, amateur and professional chefs all participated in creating over 40 gingerbread displays. I went to take a look Saturday and I was very impressed by the creativity of gingerbread village.

This storybook creation looks amazing. Can you see the witch in the pot? 

Several houses were filled with interior decoration!


This Toyland cake was made my students from my old high school - David Thompson!

This one below is my favourite. It is the most intricate and detailed display of them all. You have to look closely to appreciate the work put into this creation.



A lot more:

The Peanuts!



The gingerbread village will be on display until Monday, Dec 26th. While you are there you can vote for your favourite and also donate to the Make a Wish foundation. Go see it while you can! 

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