Saturday, February 11, 2012

#VanIndigoTweets with @IndigoGreenRoom at @CRestaurant

Yesterday night, I participated in the Chapters Indigo tweet up at C Restaurant. This was my first tweet up and I had expected a large group of people but it was actually quite personal. Our group consisted of 7 guests and 3 people from Chapters. We had a private room in the Wine Cellar! We were encouraged to tweet during dinner using the hashtag #VanIndigoTweets

I finally got the pleasure of meeting Jeremy Cammy, Captain Awesome of @IndigoGreenRoom on Twitter. Follow him for entertaining tweets and contests! He is an amazing person to get to know and his personality is as big in person as it is on Twitter. 

Complimentary Bread and Butter
We started off with bread and Smoked Salmon Lollipops as Cammy calls them. C Restaurant was serving us a modified version of their Dine Out Vancouver menu which consisted of five instead of four courses and two other small tasters.

Amuse Bouche
Our conversation started off deciding which companies on social media are the best and why. Some suggestions were @LondonDrugs @Translink @CanadianBeef @CactusClubCafe and of course @ChaptersIndigo and @IndigoGreenRoom. Why? All of them interact with their followers and are very helpful at answering questions in a timely manner. It is the engagement that people like.

Throughout the night the topics went from vegetarianism to the hotel industry to contesting to books.

C Restaurant took very good of us and our server Jason was very enthusiastic and informative when it came to all the dishes.  C Restaurant is an Oceanwise restaurant and they pride themselves on serving sustainable food. Jason was very well informed and gave interesting descriptions and facts about each dish. Everything was delicious beyond compare. I'll let the photos to the talking.

First Course:
North Arm Farms Beet Panzanella Salad
Second Course:
Seared Albacore Tuna
Third Course:
Seared Lake Babine Salmon
Fourth Course:
Roast Beef Tenderloin

Sauteed Spot Prawns? This was an alternative to the Roast Beef. It ended up at our end of the table.

For dessert:
Spiced Chocolate Pudding
Lemon Poppyseed Biscotti

Prior to the tweetup, each one of us were asked to bring in our favourite book and a picture of an animal that represented our personality. We all had to guess who was what. There were two wolves, who coincidentally sat next to each other, a platypus, two kittens, a puppy, a dog and a tarsier. We also all decided that Cammy's animal is the dog from Up!

Favourite books of all time? Little Women, The Giver, Beautiful Joe, Calculating God, The Andromeda Strain, The Golden Compass (but actually Alice in Wonderland), Something Borrowed, Star Trek, The Demon's Lexicon.

Group photo time!

These are an amazing group of intelligent people. We are YA lovers, animal lovers, contest addicts, and most of we all enjoy a good book to read (sometimes several at a time).

At the end of the evening we were all given a swag bag filled with awesome gifts which included a limited edition cook book C Food!

Thank you Chapters Indigo for an amazing evening!

1 comment:

  1. Wow - that is the evening EXACTLY - even though I was there, I feel like I didn't need to be with those great photos and descriptions

    Good job
