Saturday, March 17, 2012

Golden Lake Seafood Restaurant - King Crab

I was craving King Crab again even after we demolished a 9-pound crab at home last week. The family decided to go to Golden Lake Seafood Restaurant in Burnaby on Friday and we decided it was a good place as any to eat some King Crab!

At $16.80 per pound it's definitely not a cheap dish. There are probably places that sell it for cheaper but I had an itch and was going to scratch it.

Here's the beast. Approximately 9 pounds of deliciousness!

This place served it as four dishes. Usually restaurants either cook the legs either in either one or two different ways. Here they only cooked in one style which is my preferred one so I'm not complaining!

The legs: this is the best dish of them all. So sweet and delicious.

Body: slightly spicy

Shell: Rice topped with curry

Noodles cooked in the juices from legs. Mmmmm.
Mmmm. Until next year.

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