Monday, March 26, 2012

Hart House Restaurant

Talk about waiting until the last minute! Things kept coming up and I had to postpone a meal at the Hart House so many times until my Groupon was about to expire in two day! But I was finally able to use it today for Brunch.

The Hart House is in Burnaby by the beautiful Deer Lake in Burnaby. 

We were put in the Sunroom which had a view slight of the lake.

To start we were given a basket of bread and croissants with raspberry jam and butter. They weren't very warm but the mini-croissants were very flaky! I love raspberry jam.

Tempura Lobster Salad
I ordered the Tempura Lobster Salad...but I wasn't expecting the salad to come looking like this lol. Good thing K ordered a heavier dish that we could share: Steak and Eggs.

Steak and Eggs

I also ordered a side of Parmesan Truffle Fries to put us over $40. This is a lot of fries. We had to pack it up to go!

After brunch, we decided to walk off our meal along Deer Lake since there was such nice weather out. Beautiful daffodils grew in the front of Hart House. Spring is really here! 

Back of Hart House

A lot of birds were out around the lake.

I pretended to throw food around myself (making motions) so that the Canadian Geese would come closer to me. Ha! It worked! They swam up to investigate so I got to snap a few photos of them.

But they left in a huff when they realized they have been duped! Heeheehee!

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