Monday, April 02, 2012

CANstruction Vancouver 2012

Canstruction Vancouver is an annual design and build competition that takes place in over 180 cities world wide. All the cans used in the structures are donated to the Vancouver Food Bank after the competition is over. This year the canstructions were spread out in four buildings on Georgia Street: Four Seasons Hotel, HSBC Pendulum Gallery, FortisBC Building and Fluor building.

Four Seasons Hotel had an amazing structure of a dragon. I thought it was very creative!

Most of the canstructions were at the HSBC Pendulum Gallery:

Fluor Building had two structures: Gastown's Steam Clock and a large one that represents iconic Vancouver landmarks.

Look! The lions from the Lion Gate Bridge!
And the last building, FortisBC had three:


The CANstruction will be on display until April 4th so there is still time to see them in person! For more information about the competition, visit the CANstruction Vancouver website here.

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