Wednesday, April 11, 2012

CATS The Musical

Cats, the Musical is in town at Queen Elizabeth Theatre and I went on opening night to see it! The musical has always appealed to me (have the soundtrack and one of my favourite songs is Memory which I know by heart) but haven't seen it yet until tonight. Cats is a little different from other musicals where it is based on a collection of poems by T.S. Eliot rather than a concrete story. During the show we are introduced to many different cats and their stories.

My favourite character (and no doubt the favourite of most of the women in the audience) is the sexy Rum Tum Tugger played by Chris Stevens! The Rum Tum Tugger song is very up beat and Christ Stevens played his character in such a fun way. I could watch it again and again.

One thing I was surprised about was that the song Memory that I've been listening to is not one whole song but actually split into several parts! Melissa Grohowski did an amazing job of playing Grizabella and when she sang the last part of gave me goosebumps it was so good.

I have to say something about the costumes because they are truly amazing. I kept staring at the hair and their ears! I think the best seats would be up close and near the aisles since you get to see the costumes and make up in detail and also have an opportunity to interact with the cast! At one point Rum Tum Tugger pulled a lady out of the audience to dance with him!

Cats is a fun musical with great songs that will leave you feeling happy, wanting to dance and sing along! It's rather like a Cirque du Soleil on a smaller scale with all the dancing and acrobatics but with singing and people dressed like cats. lol It's a great musical to bring the family!

Cats is playing daily at Queen Elizabeth Theatre from now thru Sunday, April 15, 2012. You can purchase your tickets at


  1. I'm going on Sunday!  Did you get any souvenirs?

  2. No. We already have the CD and all the programs have already been sold out since Vancouver is the last city on their tour!
