Monday, April 30, 2012

VanDusen Plant Sale 2012

Yesterday was the annual plant sale at VanDusen Botanical Gardens and as usual, I couldn't resist taking a look at what was on sale. I had no specific plants I was looking for but I never seem to leave empty handed and this year was no exception. I even got more plants since I went with a friend! More hands! LOL
It was BUSY!

I spent a lot of time at the pot luck section where there were many different perennials divided by volunteers on sale. I bought a few Daylilies and a Geum plant from here. I also bought a clementis from the vine section. =D

 I didn't have any more time to walk around the garden after looking at all the plants on sale. =(

Here's my haul. Heheh. I spent the rest of the day weeding my garden and planting them. And it's hard work! I should have prepared beforehand but I kind of neglected the garden and the weeds took over. Boo. But now it's cleared and I look forward to seeing the summer blooms from my new plants! =D

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