Thursday, April 19, 2012

West End Cherry Blossom Walk 2012 - Part 2

This is the 2nd part of the my cherry tree walk from last Sunday. Part 1 is here if you wish to view it.

Continuing on to the end of the seawall, we end up at Westin Bayshore where we have 'Shirotae' in bloom with double white blossoms. There were a lot nice purple tulips, daffodils, magnolia trees and other interesting plants to look at too.

At Georgia at Denman walking through Bayshore Drive there are a beautiful group of 'Akebono' cherries and magnolia!

I think this is a Mikuruma-gaeshi (The Royal Carriage Returns) which has double and single blooms. Apparently the story is that the royal carriage had to stop and turn back to settle an argument on whether it had double or single blooms.

 This might be ‘Ukon’, it has cream coloured blossoms and bronze leaves.

If you missed Part 1 you can go back here or continue on to Part 3 here!

There will be two more walks taking place this weekend one at Stanley Park on April 21, 2012, Saturday, 2:00pm to 3:30pm and one at Queen Elizabeth Park on April 22, 2012, Sunday, 1:00pm to 2:30pm. So make sure you go to one of them to see the cherry blossoms before they all fade away!

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