Friday, April 20, 2012

West End Cherry Blossom Walk 2012 - Part 3

If you missed Parts 1 and 2 of the West End Cherry Walk, you can find them here and here.

Continuing on with my long post about the cherry blossom walk and talk, at a Chatsworth building, there were some 'Umineko' trees. They mean "Seagull" because as they mature, their branches grow to each side and form into what looks like two wings!

Here Wendy shows us an umbrella shaped cherry. She said it was a Sindai Shitari cultivar (I think I misspelled it.)

When we reached Lost Lagoon, there was a huge 'Shirotae' tree (the white one below) and another type that looked very sickly but the blossoms were still lovely. I forget the name of it.

Shirotae at Lost Lagoon

And some other cherries and magnolias:

There was a raccoon in one of the trees and it climbed down once everyone started to crowded around it to take photos. lol

Row of 'Snow Goose' cherries. It has the same parents as the 'Umineko' cherry.

This one is the 'Atsumori' and it is very rare in Vancouver. Wendy says this is only one of two that is known! This is planted near the Fish House in Stanley Park.

As we walked passed some tennis courts in Stanley Park, we were told to look up and WOW there are Pacific great blue herons nests up in the trees! Once in a while you can see a heron fly back with a new branch for their nest. That was so cool!

Finally the walk drew to a close but there were still some cherries in bloom on the way back to downtown!

Not sure what this type is. Takasago?

Anyways, I had a great time. I loved the walk and learning about all the different types of cherries in the downtown area. I didn't realized there were so many types! Wendy was a great tour guide; she is very passionate about her trees!

"There is no stranger under the cherry tree" - Issa

Well I hope you enjoyed all my photos of the Downtown and West End Cherry Blossom Walk! You can find Part 1 here and Part 2 here.

There will be two more walks taking place this weekend one at Stanley Park on April 21, 2012, Saturday, 2:00pm to 3:30pm and one at Queen Elizabeth Park on April 22, 2012, Sunday, 1:00pm to 2:30pm. So make sure you go to one of them to see the cherry blossoms before they all fade away!

1 comment:

  1. So beautiful! Good to learn the name "Shirotae" as it's my favorite. I wish I were there to learn more! :)
