Sunday, May 13, 2012

EPIC Expo 2012

The 6th annual EP!C expo of the sustainable living , is held in Vancouver for 3 days. It is the 6th annual expo but only the 2nd time I've been. This year the focus was on local, organic and healthy foods.

I arrived later in the day since I was at the plant sale at UBC so I only saw one cooking demo on the EPICurean Stage (I missed the last one). Andrew George Jr., representing the Tsleil - Waututh Nation, made seaweed crusted halibut cheeks and scallops with micro greens and baby vegetable salad and seaweed vinaigrette.

 I loved how it tasted! The long thin greens are sea asparagus. It tastes salty!

Whole Foods Market had a large display dedicated to meet the Whole Foods ranchers.

 There were a lot of electric cars on display.

 This old electric car actually still runs!

 The wedding showcase area complete with flowers, sparklies and carriages!

EPIC is still on today, Sunday, May 13th, from 11am - 5pm! Go down to see tons of exhibits, demonstrations and presentations of sustainable living!

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