Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Neptune's Palace - San Francisco, CA

I ended my first day in San Francisco at Neptune's Palace at Pier 39. I wasn't feeling too hungry so I just decided to get an appetizer. Seafood is always good. =) Neptune's Palace is on the 2nd floor of the Pier 39 concourse and it has a nice view of the bay and Alcatraz. I did not sit by a window though.

Steamed Clams - $18
I ordered the steamed clams which came with some bread which was good for soaking up the delicious coconut lime broth they were in.

Chesapeake Bay oysters - 3 for $9
Decided to try some oysters too. Chesapeake Bay oysters on a bed of rock salt with three different types of sauce. I only like eating them with lemon. Pretty good but not as good as the ones I had at Hog Island Oyster Co. earlier in the day but I expected that.

Food was good. The clams definitely filled me up. It was a sizeable portion. Service was ok depending on the server. I asked what type of oysters they were to two and they didn't know and they didn't try to find out for me. I asked another and he was really knowledgable and friendly. I really shouldn't go to these tourist trap places to eat but what the hey I'm there anyways and it's convenient lol.

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