Oregon Electric Station, Eugene OR

The primary purpose of my Portland trip was actually to attend my cousin's law school graduation. The ceremony was at the Hult Center which was right next to our hotel. The ceremony had a lot of interesting speeches! It was way funnier than my own grad ceremony but I guess lawyers know how to talk otherwise they wouldn't be lawyers! We didn't have any time for breakfast or lunch before the ceremony so we were starving! The hotel front desk recommended we try Oregon Electric Station which was just a block away.

It was about 3:30pm, too early for dinner for most people so we were the only ones there! The kitchen wasn't every prepared yet for dinner service so we had to only wait for half hour as they started preparations early just for us.

Complimentary Sourdough Bread with herb butter
At least we got to munch on some warm sourdough bread!

French Onion Soup

Chicken Picatta (Station Favourite)

Prime Rib - Small
 Yes, that huge slab of meat is the smallest size. It was almost as big as the medium!

Chicken with scallops and mushrooms

What's cool about this restaurant is that the dining area is in train cars! (We were sitting in the bar lounge area)

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