Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Spring Flowers 2012

April showers bring May flowers! These aren't May flowers but March and April flowers since I haven't posted photos of my garden blooms earlier and most of these flowers are already gone or wilting. They are soon going to be replaced with the summer flowers. But I want to share some of the photos with my readers anyways! =)

 I have few varieties of grape hyacinth -  the normal type, baby blue, pink and white.

The spring Crocus are long gone. The next time I'll see some will be in the fall when the fall crocus bloom.

I forget what these are....

The peonies are poking up their stalks...They are now actually leafy and in a month their flowers will bloom!

Miniature tulips. I would like to get some more of these!

Most of my garden is filled with tulips right now with a mix of daffodils.

Some of the daffodils are still there. I just cut a bunch of daffodils and tulips to put in a vase in the home.

Today I was excited to find that the kiwi plant that I bought at the VanDusen plant sale last year didn't die after all! I'm amazed how hardy it is! =D

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