Monday, June 25, 2012

Aki Sushi Restaurant

When my friends organized a dinner at Aki, I was automatically on board! I've read that Aki is one of the best authentic Japanese Restaurants in Vancouver and they have been open since 1963. They originally were located on Thurlow but moved to this swanky new establishment on Pender Street.

 They have a regular menu and also a fresh sheet with all the sashimi and other kitchen creations.

I ordered salmon sashimi (which was so melt-in-your mouth delicious!),

Tempura Udon,

and Black Cod Karaage (I think that is what it was...). Initially I wanted the crab shell with egg but they ran out! Boohoo. The waitress recommended this instead so I decided to try it. It was very crispy but wasn't dry. But crispy enough that I was even able to eat the bones. lol 

Looking back, I should have ordered the Nabeyaki Udon instead. One of my friends ordered that one and it looks so much more amazing than mine!

Nabeyaki Udon
Some of the other items my friends ordered:

I had a great meal! And wanted to order even more but alas, I can't finish everything by myself. I was looking at all the dishes the people across from us ordered and I wanted to try them out too! Definitely a repeat visit is in order.

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