Monday, July 23, 2012

Chef Ned Bell at Farmers Market Kitchen

On Saturday, I attended the 2nd Farmers Market Kitchen featuring Chef Ned Bell from Yew Restaurant. Last time it was pouring rain and with the weather forecast, I was a little afraid that it would rain again but the weather cooperated and it remained dry for the demo with the sun coming out by the end!

With tomatoes coming into season, Chef Ned Bell made a chilled Heirloom Tomato Soup with cucumber pickle & 'cherry balsamic' syrup for us.

Peppers and garlic. Chef made a pepper sorbet before hand to complement the soup!

 Look at all the colours of tomatoes! So beautiful!

 Bread to go with the soup.

Chef Ned Bell stressed the importance of a good blender. He likes to use the Vitamix blenders, the brand which I've been eyeing for several years now. lol He also said salt is a flavour enhancer not a flavouring. If you add salt at the beginning of making the soup you get a flavoured soup. Salt at the end after the soup is done makes a salty soup.

Chef also taught us how to char a red pepper to make the sorbet. You just broil it on a baking sheet. At the market he just put it on top of the element. The skin of the pepper will char which you remove before making the sorbet.

Chef Ned Bell jokingly said that a dish is cheap but every ingredient to make the presentation nicer adds to the price and this soup has a lot of ingredients! Hahah.

He ended up making one red and one yellow soup. I tried the yellow one.

The soup itself is a little sour but with the sorbet it tastes perfect.

After the demo, I walked around the market. I was on the hunt for some kale to make some kale chips everyone seems to be raving about. I missed Rootable Chips which wasn't there this time. =( I was looking forward to getting some more of those delicious chips. Pure breads was there and it had the longest lineup at the market.

Berries are in season and everywhere I looked, someone was carrying a flat of raspberries or a bag of cherries.

The Farmers Market at Trout Lake is going on every Saturday from 9:00am - 2:00pm until Oct 20th. The next Farmers Market Kitchen is on August 18th featuring Chef Andrea Carlson.

Also the Market Kitchen is still looking for donations! Please consider donating if you'd like to see more live food demos at the Farmers Market!

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