Thursday, August 09, 2012

CanadaFest at Canada Place

Went to check out CanadaFest last weekend. It was a really sunny day perfect for outdoor performances and a walk along the Vancouver waterfront!

I managed to catch the The Fab Fourever's amazing performance. They are a Beatles Cover Band and they dress the part too!

Lots of people taking pictures. There was a Queen impersonator there, too, but I didn't see her.

I tried a sample of the maple taffy. I didn't realize it's so messy to eat! You have to keep turning it because it melts like ice cream. It was too sweet for me to finish the whole thing. Sugar overload!

Further down was the War of 1812 Exhibit. I didn't go in but there's a film and historic artifacts to look at inside. This exhibit will be there for the next two years so plenty of time to check it out before it disappears.

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