Monday, September 24, 2012

CocoaNymph East Grand Opening

CocoaNymph celebrated the opening of their second store location on Saturday, September 22 with live music, tours, demos and even a Willy Wonka-type Golden Ticket contest in the days leading up to this day! With the success of CocoaNymph West, they decided they needed to upgrade to a bigger production facility and this location was perfect. It even had a kitchen included so made it possible to add a cafe to sell soups and sandwiches as well as chocolate!

CocoaNymph also unveiled a new logo for the launch!

Lots of chocolatety goodness for all to enjoy!

In the back was the new production facility. 

They buy chocolate by the metric tonne!

Visitors could participate in a wine and chocolate pairing for only $5. Sumac Ridge Merlot and Illa.

Illa is Cocoa Nymph's bestseller! It is a Salted Caramel Ganache & Dark Chocolate. Mmm, tastes heavenly!

Rachel Sawatzky, the CocoaNymph herself gave visitors a little tour of the production facility.

These machines are new and they are suppose to temper chocolate, automating what the lady is doing by hand below. They are still at an experimental stage though. 

Guests were also able to watch a chocolate demonstration showing how chocolate is made at CocoaNymph. Here she is tempering the 65% dark chocolate by hand.

Dipping a strip of paper into the chocolate and timing it for 3 minutes. They look for colour, streaks, and how long it takes to set. Only perfect chocolate allowed!

Lemon ganache already cut into cubes, ready for enrobing.

She dips each cube into the chocolate, then transfers the covered chocolate lemon ganache onto another  tray.

Mmmmmm. If you want to be more hands-on, you can sign up for one of CocoaNymph's workshops to learn how to do this yourself!

Before I left, I tried the french drinking chocolate ($4) with orange marshmallows on the side ($0.50). They ran out of ceramic cups so I was given a paper one. Everyone wanted some drinking chocolate it seems! The delicious chocolate drink was made with rosemary, lavender and almond milk. Because of the almond milk, it wasn't too rich, which I liked, and the marshmallows add a lot of sweetness to this yummy drink. So good!

Owner and Chocolatiere Rachel Sawatzky with her business partner, Eric. Congratulations on a successful grand opening! CocoaNymph East is located at 4 West 7th Avenue. Go pay them a visit!

CocoaNymph East on Urbanspoon

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