Thursday, September 06, 2012

Daytripping to Bowen Island

Bowen Island is an island located in Howe Sound, 12 miles Northwest of Vancouver and 20 minutes by ferry from Horseshoe Bay. People go to Bowen Island for hiking, kayaking, picnicking and relaxation. Some of my friend and I spent the Saturday there during the long weekend and we were looking to hike. It was my first trip there and I was pretty excited.

We started at Horseshoe Bay and we were early for the ferry so we killed some time by walking around the village but there wasn't much to see other than a few restaurants.

This was the view from the ferry before we departed. SO BEAUTIFUL!

When we finally arrived at Snug Cove, it was past lunch time. Walking down the street we saw a lot of cool rustic restaurants and shops.

 But we settled on Tuscan Restaurant to appease our growling tummies. Check out my post on it here.

After lunch we started on our hike. Our ultimate destination was suppose to be Mount Gardner but we had to walk a lot before we even arrived at the trail start.

 A lot of trees on the trail meant we were shaded from the sun.

This was a beautiful spot. It was so peaceful and I loved the reflections of the trees and blue blue sky on the water.

Ok, we kind of got lost around here. We kept walking and doubling back and walking and doubling back. Ugh! I was very tired after all that.

Killarney Lake is so nice. Wish we could have just stayed there...but we moved on.

Finally we found it! We discovered that we could have saved a lot of time if just drove here instead of walking all the way...

It was a steep climb to the trail head...and I was already dying so I decided I would skip this hike. I'm so not ready for it! M and I headed down and did the Killarney Lake Loop instead.

This was a viewpoint on the loop. It's a nice place to sit and look out onto the water. In fact there was a woman there doing just that listening to her iPod. We startled her when we came up from behind. lol She didn't hear us until my camera clicked.

There were several hollow trees around the trail. I had to go in one. Heehee!

We finally finished the loop in maybe one and a half hours? Maybe less, I wasn't really keeping track of time. So we headed back into town. 

 But not before we made a detour to investigate the salmon Hatchery. Too bad it was closed though.

Back in town, we shared a shaved ice at the Soylent Green food truck before heading to the marina as we waited for the rest of our party to finish their hike. 

We actually wanted to try this Nancy's Taco Shop as a friend told us the tacos are very good there but they close at 6pm and we just missed it. Boo.

 So we just sat and enjoyed the view of the harbour.

 There was a another snack place but it was also closed.

I was exhausted by the end of the day but I fun! Sharing this beautiful weather with friends. What more could I ask for?

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