Monday, September 24, 2012

Patch Planter Launch Party at the Walrus

Vancouver based company, Patch officially launched on Saturday, September 22 and held its launch party at the Walrus on Cambie Street.

Swiss chard and kale growing in a patch planter. Patch planters are handmade, self-watering, compact planters that make growing your own food easy. 

Three types of Patch planters available: Grey Ombre, Icon Jumble and Classic White for purchase.

Each planter is certified to be 100% approved EPIC edition. =D

Because a launch party isn't a launch party without food, Patch organized a little tea party inside the Walrus for visitors!

Crustless sandwiches from Railtown Cafe & Catering. So yummy!

 Cookies from Seeds of Plenty. Mmm.

Spot Tea's finest. Blush: organic cranberry and orange, and I think a rooibos tea. I only tried the Blush. Very fruity tea, great served cold!

Planters on display in the window.

Look at all these things you can grow!

Kent Houston, CEO and Founder of Patch, with Samantha Lefort, creative director and growing enthusiast of Patch! Congratulations on your successful launch!

Yup. I'm now a proud owner of a limited edition, Icon Jumble Patch planter. Purchased Saturday with soil and lettuce seeds to get me started. I think I'm going to transplant my moulding basil in it first!

Visit for more information on these planters and purchase one yourself! Proceeds from each sale to support community based volunteer organizations like Growing Chefs. Food for you, and food for them. Win-win.


  1. where did you get soil this time of year?

  2. The soil was included with the Patch I bought but I think you can still buy soil at Home Depot.

  3. unreliable seller...more like a scam really. Check the complaints, ask paypal, and shop elsewhere
