Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Experiencing ShesConnected Conference 2012 #SCCTO

Day 2 in Toronto started with a conference at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre! I had won some tickets to the ShesConnected Conference courtesy of Home of Ohm and I happened to be in Toronto at the time so I was pretty excited for the chance to attend!

Just outside the building, giant woodpeckers are wrecking havoc on this log.

The convention centre was also right next to the CN Tower, which we planned to check out later.

This moose was on the main floor of the conference centre. 

 The place is actually pretty big, it goes several floors down!

Here we are heading to registration to pick up our passes and swag bags! As part of our registration, we also get a SCCTO t-shirt with our Twitter handle on it! Great idea for Tweetups! We arrived kind of late, people were already in the networking session inside the main presentation room, so we decided to look around.

Ford Canada was the main sponsor for the conference and on display was their new C-MAX hybrid car. It looks very nice and roomy too!

The place most hopping was the McCafe Lounge where McDonalds reps were serving your choice of coffee, massages, and answering questions via Toshiba laptops! Attendees were also able to sign up for  a mug with their Twitter handle printed on it! So cool!

 Iƶgo also served delicious yogurt for breakfast!

Soon after, W and I split up to attend the presentations we were interested in. I attended the session on how PR Companies select bloggers while W went to learn about how to be successful on Facebook.

After our presentations were over, it was lunch time! SCCTO also provided attendees with lunch! We had the choice of vegetarian or non-veggie sandwich box.

Inside, there was a Horiataki Salad with Feta, an apple, and a Granola Bar.

I chose the Smoked Turkey sandwich, which contained roasted apples, cranberry relish, smoked Gouda on Artisan Bread. Really yummy! The box contained all the food groups! They like to keep us healthy. =)

As you can see there were a lot of women attending SCCTO! The Blissdom Canada conference happened to in Toronto on the same weekend and an SCCTO sponsor called it the women's empowerment weekend. Hahaha!

While eating our lunch, we listened to Kate White, author and former editor-in-chief of Cosmopolitan Magazine, give a talk about her new book “I Shouldn’t Be Telling You This: Success Secrets Every Gutsy Girl Should Know”. She lives by the words "Go big or go home". I learned a lot from her talk! Things like how you shouldn't be afraid to ask for what you want and how to turn envy into something positive.

We walked around some more to look at all the other sponsors and brands at the conference before we left. I wish we had had more time to spend at the conference. I would have liked to do some more networking and meet other bloggers! Perhaps later next year...or maybe even early next year! Because the ShesConnected conference is coming to Vancouver for the first time in February! I can't wait!

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