Thursday, October 18, 2012

La Pentola della Quercia

La Pentola is the newest addition to Opus Hotel, replacing the pop-up concept Cento Notti, in Yaletown. Like their sister restaurant, La Quercia, this restaurant serves Northern Italian cuisine.

Very nice simple decor with large windows.

We were given complementary herbed bread box and olive oil for dipping. We went through several of these actually. They are so soft and tasty and went well with every other dish we ordered. Often we used this bread to soak up the remaining juices of our other plates. Mmmm.

Roast bone marrow, salsa verde, crostini $12
The one thing that caught my eye on the menu was the Roast Bone Marrow. I haven't eaten any marrow at a restaurant before and was curious how they would prepare it. It came with a crunchy bread crisps and salsa verde. I could have done without the salsa, the marrow was good as it was without it. Looks like they mixed the marrow with herbs before putting it back in the bone. It was very delicious, somewhat like pate and I wish I didn't have to share it!

Bruschetta $9
I was interested in the Smoked veal tongue as an appetizer, which also costs $9 but my dining partner wasn't feeling as adventurous so we opted for something safe - Bruschetta. Sweet cherry and heritage tomatoes adorned crunchy toasted bread. Yummy!

Trout involtini, zucchini trifolati $26
One of the dishes our waiter recommended was the Trout. He seemed very knowledgeable and passionate about the food so we trusted his judgement. The trout was stuffed with some herbs accompanied with some beans and zucchini. The fish was moist and delicious but the zucchini was a little salty. I had to eat it with some more of the bread from the bread box.

Mushroom trifolati $8
As a side, we had the Mushroom trifoliate, and me loving any sort of mushrooms, loved this dish. It was nicely flavoured and we polished off this dish in seconds, even the sauce was gone. Yum yum yum.

Semifreddo with almond praline, biscotti and chocolate sauce
I was pretty full from all the dishes we tried but the waiter listed out the desserts available and I knew I had to try the semifreddo. It was divine. It was almost like ice cream and tasted almost coffee like. So good! An excellent finish to the meal.

Then just as I thought there wasn't anything else, these little sugar biscuits came with the bill. Ending one a sweet note, whether you have dessert or not!

I thoroughly enjoyed my meal at La Pentola. The food was delicious and served with great attention to presentation. The service was also impeccable!

La Pentola della Quercia on Urbanspoon

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