Monday, October 08, 2012

Vegan Indian Cooking - Book Review and Upcoming Event

Anupy Singlas, the author of the bestselling cookbook, the Indian Slow Cooker, has come out with a follow-up cookbook, Vegan Indian Cooking: 140 Simple and Healthy Vegan Recipes. Flipping through the book, what stuck me most were the beautiful colour photos of the recipes. It is a shame that not all the recipes have accompanying photos.

This is more than just a cookbook, you get a whole section in the beginning of the book explaining why Indian food is perfect for Vegan cooking since much of Indian food is already vegetarian, and another section going through Indian spices, some of which Ms. Singlas went over in her first cookbook, the Indian Slow Cooker, but is expanded in this book.

Unlike in a lot of Indian restaurants, no heavy cream or butter is found in this cookbook to make her dishes delicious. In fact, Ms. Singlas includes a cream substitute recipe made entirely of cashew nuts where even non-vegans won't believe it is vegan. Many other recipes in this book are like that; this makes this a great cookbook that non-vegans will appreciate.

I also like how in the beginning of each recipe, she gives a little story about that recipe. This made the cookbook a lot more personal and it is these touches that made me appreciate it more so than other cookbooks that just list recipes.

A friend of mine who is currently on a Vegan diet was dying to try out something from this cookbook so I lent it to her. She decided to make Chickpea Poppers, a simple but delicious recipe. It was really easy to make!

Chickpeas are mixed with spices before entering the oven.

What comes out are crunchy chickpeas! Perfect for snacking on! Mmm! These were a hit when she brought them to work. She loved the cookbook and thought the pictures were awesome and instructions are easy to follow.

If you want to learn more about this cookbook and the author behind it, this is your opportunity! Anupy Singla will be leading a class demonstrating the simplicity of Indian cooking, discussing the health benefits of Indian spices, and making several recipes from her new cookbook this Saturday, October 13 at 11:00am at Barbara-Jo's Books to Cooks, 1740 West 2nd Avenue, Vancouver. The event costs $85.00, which includes a copy of her cookbook, and the number of guests is capped at 14 so it is almost like a private cooking demonstration! Call 604-688-6755 to register.

Disclosure: I received a free copy of Vegan Indian Cooking to review. No compensation was received. The opinions expressed in this post are entirely my own and have not been influenced in any other way.

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