Wednesday, October 03, 2012

What's Growing Wednesday (Oct 3, 2012) #letspatch

Remember I went to the Patch planter launch party two weeks ago? Well, I set up my Patch and now my poor rescued basil is growing happily in it.

I love this Icon Jumble decorated planter. Patch has 3 types: Icon Jumble, Grey Ombre, and Classic White on sale on their website.

Here's what you get included with your Patch.

You fill in the centre hole with soil so that acts as a wick to draw water up from the reservoir.

Woohoo! Fully set up. That tube is where the water goes.

My sad looking basil. My mom liked to over water it and a lot kind of died away. Hopefully it'll start to grow better in this Patch.

I need to find some other herbs to plant in there...Hmm maybe I should rescue my chives? I had bought a herb pot at UBC plant sale earlier this year and yeah they all died except the chives because I didn't water them...>_> Hahah but with Patch, I won't need to. I just need to fill up the reservoir with water and it'll self water itself! Neat, eh?

I also threw in 3 spinach seeds that I got from a havest festival that I didn't think would grow but 2 of them germinated! Though I probably shouldn't have. I read that Spinach has a long taproot and the Patch isn't deep enough for it. Oh well, I'll just harvest it early.

So what are you growing in your home?

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