Sunday, November 25, 2012

CandyTown: A Yaletown Holiday Festival

Last Friday and Saturday, Mainland Street in Yaletown was transformed into CandyTown, an outdoor Christmas market.

 The first scent to hit me was I exited the Yaletown skytrain station was the roasted chestnuts! Mmm!

 A little skating rink was set up and a lot of kids as well as adults took advantage of it!

Former Canuck, Trevor Linden was also there greeting fans, signing autographs and taking posing for photos. Not surprisingly, he attracted a large crowd!

CandyTown IS at the North Pole! All we need is snow and we're all set.

 And what's the North Pole without elves,


And reindeer!!!! I confess this was the main reason I came to CandyTown. I was so excited when I heard there was going to be a REAL reindeer at the festival!

It's really tiny - the size of a large dog. I never realized they came in such small sizes! It also only has one antler since they shed them around this time of year.

There was a long line up to take photos with the reindeer, too.

  I have a lot of photos. n_n

Cirque du Soleil had a tent at CandyTown to promote their show Amaluna which is currently in Vancouver! It's so pretty and blue. People could enter a contest to win tickets by writing down a wish and throwing it into the wishing bowl.

 CandyTown means sweet treats! Free cotton candy!

 There was also free horse drawn carriage rides!

 Cute nutcracker at one of the vendors there.

Unfortunately, I missed the ice carvings that came later in the day. =( It was a small festival but it was fun to see everything there (especially the reindeer)! I hope CandyTown will come back next year!

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