Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Halo 4 Midnight Launch at Robson Futureshop

Last night, I joined the thousands of people around the city that waited in line at a store until midnight to get their hands of a copy of Halo 4, one of the most anticipated games of the year. The downtown Futureshop at Robson and Granville St. held a midnight launch party, which included giveaways and a multi-player tournament where the person with the highest score got to walk away with a limited edition Halo 4 XBox!

Monster Energy drink was parked out front to supply all the caffeine you need for the long night of gaming ahead.

 Long line up to be one of the first to get the game!

The street team were handing out sweet dog tags to the people in line! This will go nicely with my UNSC hat! XD

The multiplayer tournament consisted of 2 teams of four playing against each other. Basically it's try to kill as many of your opponents as possible in the allotted time.

The highest scoring person in each winning team received one of these Halo 4 t-shirts!

I was one of the last few people to play in the tournament. We were Red team. And we won! It was touch-and-go there at the beginning as everyone was trying to figure out the controls. The people before us didn't play with default settings lol. But once we got the tank it was all over. Woo! My team mate received the t-shirt, while the rest of us were given posters of Master Chief!

And that's not the most exciting part! The man himself came to visit! Master Chief!!!!

I got some photos with him! *swoon* 

He's so tall!

Someone dressed up as Gengar from Pokemon to take a picture with Master Chief. Haha!

When it finally came time, the crowd counted down to midnight and Futureshop staff let people in a few people at a time.

Lot of limited edition XBox 360 Bundles available.

Other Halo 4 merchandise.

WOOOOT! It put a pretty dent in my wallet but I GOT MY COPY! It included a limited edition steel book, one month free of XBox Live and an amour DLC. And that's the poster from the tournament. Master Chief is replacing Legolas on my wall! Yes.

Yup. I got it. Halo 4. I played into the night, way past my bedtime so I'm a little ok a lot dead today. And still all I want to do is go home and play some more. Who needs sleep?!

My impressions so far are that the graphics are amazing! Everything is so realistic and I love the feel of the game. I can't wait to continue playing it! So fun!

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