Monday, December 31, 2012

Empire Seafood Restaurant

I have a photo-bomber! lol As the new year is fast approaching, I might as well finish blogging about my December events. In the beginning of December, the company I work for held their annual Christmas party at Empire Seafood Restaurant. And despite printing the company name wrong (twice) on the menu, which irked the party planner to no end (lol), the food was pretty good. We had a set menu and I was stuffed by the end. Too much food! I liked the appetizer platter and the Peking Duck the best. The fish maw soup was good, too. It was a very typical Chinese dinner.

The company brought our own alcohol to celebrate and I sat at the cool table where all the alcohol was flowing HAHAHA! I wish I'd taken a photo of the shot glasses. We used up the restaurant's supply. They had to go wash them to give us more shots! The restaurant manager was also very strict about cutting us off at 10:50pm since their liquor license runs out at 11pm. No partying to 1am for us this year. lol Well, their complementary parking runs out at 3 hours anyways. All in all, it was a good Christmas dinner with great company.

I liked the crispy artificial crab wrapped in seaweed, the jellyfish and the roasted pork on the appetizer platter.

This "bird's nest" was made of taro I think. It's very crispy and made a mess when I tried to break it apart. I like that there was a lot of scallops in this dish.

Our table wasn't too fond of lobster apparently. There was a lot left over.

Empire Seafood Restaurant 帝苑皇宴海鮮酒家 on Urbanspoon

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