Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Vancouver Christmas Market 2012 Photos

The Vancouver Christmas Market is an annual fair that opens for a month during the Christmas season near Queen Elizabeth theatre downtown Vancouver. This was the second time I went. I visited last year with my friend M and quite enjoyed it.

There was lots of Groupon-type deals and I took advantage of it. Mine included a free carousel ride. Also this year, with paid admission, you get a re-entry pass valid for the rest of the season!

That's a lot of beer.

There's a lot of food vendors there and of course the food is a bit pricey but this only happens once a year! Time to indulge. We like to try out different things.

Not a German specialty but I tried the Salmon Maple Kabob at Captain Randy's Seafood. I was surprised that it didn't really taste like salmon. It had a smoother consistency but it was delicious.

The Black Forest Meat & Sausages was one of the popular vendors selling German style sausages.

I had originally wanted to get a Bratwurst but ended up with the Barvarian Smokie instead. You get the option of adding sauerkraut and onions in your bun.

Another food vendor I visited was the Soup Meister.

 I tried their Tradition German Potato soup.

It includes a bun and garlic croutons! It was really yummy and great to warm up your tummy in the cold weather.

Besides the food there are a lot of cute Christmas decorations for sale at the market.


 These are so soft! Made from llama fur!

There's also live performances!

And the carousel.

The last day of the Vancouver Christmas Market is December 24th! Make sure you visit before then!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks again for this wonderful post and taking these great photos of the Christmas ornaments. We're really happy to have you come by the Vancouver Christmas Market and for all your support. The vendors are so appreciative. We hope that you have the best Christmas ever! And we'll see you next year.
