Tuesday, March 05, 2013

News1130 Tweetup at The Sandbar Restaurant #1130TU

News1130 hosted their 3rd annual Tweetup at The SandBar Restaurant on Granville Island on Feb 25th last week. I was one of the lucky ones that got an invite through their Twitter contest and I invited my friend A along. It was a nice evening with food, live music and long interesting chat with news director Bruce Claggett. He provided us with some great insight into news and journalism, how news stories are selected (Heart, Health, and Wallet are the three things they look for and a little bit of conflict doesn't hurt either) and how his worst nightmare would be reporting something fake like the people at WGN Morning News. XD

Sandbar served up some delicious nibbles at the Tweetup.

I ordered a cup of clam chowder to go with the appies. It tasted really great and was nice and chucky! Yum!

Thanks for the swag! I wonder if I carry around the bag, will people think I work for News1130? XD

The Sandbar Seafood Restaurant on Urbanspoon

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