Wednesday, March 06, 2013

The Fish Shack

I keep craving oysters lol, and the other day I managed to convince K to eat some with me. We were downtown so I looked for any buck-a-shuck still on around the area. The Fish Shack has buck-a-shuck everyday until 5pm so we decided to head there.

You get a special surprise if you tweet ! Mini bread bowls! So cute and delicious. Yummy chowder in a sour dough bread bowl. If you check in on Yelp, you have the choice between the mini bread bowl or a dessert!

Gigamoto from Washington, complex mineral/melon flavour (small ones on the right) and Summer Breeze from Baynes Sound, creamy white, firm, mild & sweet (large ones on the left) where the two types that were on buck-a-shuck. I loved the Gigamoto the best but they all taste good!

The Fish Shack on Urbanspoon

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