Saturday, March 30, 2013

Vancouver International Auto Show 2013

Another year and another trip to the Vancouver International Auto Show with the family. My dad is always the one most excited (he burst into my room in the morning to ask when we were going! Thanks Dad, I like to sleep in on a holiday XD). This year, the show is held at the Vancouver Convention Centre. It was basically kind of the same as last year's show, maybe a little smaller. There wasn't any cars that really caught my eye and there weren't as many exotic cars on display either, which was a little disappointing. It was nice to spend the couple of hours with the parents. K had to work so she missed it! Here's the photo barf of a few of the hundreds of photos I took AGAIN. I really should limit myself to only a few dozen. Hahaha. I can't help myself! All the shiny cars!

The Auto Show is still on today and tomorrow if you want to go!

 Hank the talking robot.

Kind of disappointed with the lack of motorcycles this year. Only two Honda models and the Canucks one below. 


 I liked this HotWheels Camaro!

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