Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Blood & Glitter: West Coast Geeks VS Nerds Season Finale

West Coast Geeks Versus Nerds finished off its first season strong at the Electric Owl last Tuesday, May 7th. The wildly funny comedy-debate show, which caters to the local geek, gamer, and comic book nerd subcultures in Vancouver, had its first ever sold out show of its 9 episode run. I was fortunate enough to be invited to be a part of the audience because the show was hilarious and had many unexpected epic moments! The episode featured Boromir from Lord of the Rings vs Eddard Stark from the Game of Thrones in the first round and Zombies vs Unicorns in the second.

The Electric Owl Social Club on Main Street was home of WCGvN for five episodes.

It was a full house; all smiling faces!

The creator, producer and host of West Coast Geeks versus Nerds is Chris "MooMan" Nyarady. Quite the entertainer, he introduces each team on to the stage with a super funny opener about the character they were about to argue for.

Starting with Boromir vs Ned Stark (or Sean Bean vs Sean Bean). Both teams where not afraid to fight dirty. The audience gets to determine the winner by cheering for their favourites but it was a very very close one. After five minutes of cheering, the Mooman declared team Nerds to be the winner!

I thought the defining moment was when Team Nerds pulled out a tablet and played a clip from an interview with George R. R. Martin, the author of the Game of Thrones books, where he literally said Boromir was better than Ned Stark! Oh snap!

And the final nail in Ned Stark's coffin. Boromir support played the LotR theme song on her flute! 

Victory for Team Nerds! Go Boromir!

There was a short break for pizza courtesy of WCGvN to celebrate the finale!

 At every show, audience members have a chance to buy raffle tickets to win fabulous prizes.

All these raffle prizes are courtesy of WCGvN sponsors: GameDeals Video Games, IRL Events, Golden Age Collectables, Storm Crow Tavern, Admiral Snackbars, LANcouver, EXP Restaurant + Bar, Magic Stronghold, Metropolis Comics and Toys, The Connection Games & Comics, and Toy Traders!

Who doesn't like to play dress up? Well at West Coast Geeks vs Nerds, you get rewarded for it but you'll have to impress the audience first!

These two won the costume contest. 

Team Geeks represented the Zombies. The team was made up of a zombie, a scientist, and Shaun of the Dead! I was impressed at how science-y the "scientist" managed to deliver her argument! It was almost like listening to a live science documentary. lol "I am dressed like a scientist so you know everything I say is true" Love it.

Team Nerds represented the unicorns. I must say, the costumes of team Nerds were hilarious. It takes a real man to wear sparkles. LOL

 Some Gangnam style dancing by the sparkly unicorn boys.

 A little zombie killing never hurt anyone.

It was a total landslide victory for the Zombies! Fantasy could never defeat science! For science! Do YOU have a zombie apocalypse survival plan?

This episode ends Season One but fear not! West Coast Geeks Versus Nerds returns in September! The first episode of Season 2 will feature Jurassic Park vs the Island of Lost - which is the worst vacation destination and second in commands - Spock vs Darth Vader. Also, Season 2 tickets are now selling in advance. The normal price for a single ticket to Geeks vs Nerds costs $10 but you can purchase the season pass (8 episodes) for only $50. Worth checking out for at least an evening or two of fun!

Meanwhile, the WCGvN team will be hosting some other live events during the summer, stay in connected to their Facebook page, Twitter or subscribe to their newsletter to stay up to date with the news.

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