Thursday, June 06, 2013

Breka Bakery & Cafe

After my belated dinner party, we decided to go to have dessert somewhere. Ended up at Breka...another place I apparently have visited in the past but don't remember at all. Breka is a bakery on Fraser and they sell a lot of cakes, breads and beverages like tea and coffee.

I love the photos on the wall. So fitting for a bakery!

There were a lot of cakes to choose from. The Pistachio cake caught my eye. There were only two left so it must be popular!

Pistachio Ganache Cake $4.75
Mmmm. Chocolate and pistachio. So good!

Iced Kona Mocha $4.25
I was feeling a little tired so I also got a Iced Kona Mocha. Reminds me of the Blenz Mochaccinos. Pretty good!

The other cakes my friends got:


Breka is a nice place to hang out. They apparently are open 24 hours 7 days a week! Now you can get your breads and sweet fix any time you want! How convenient! They also have a downtown location that just opened this year.

Breka Bakery & Cafe (Fraser) on Urbanspoon

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